That means we are always looking for how to save you money, save you hassle, and save you from having a problem with your print job—even when it means less money for us . . . and even when the design work was done elsewhere and the job was given to us "ready to print." Here are some examples:
Recent Saves by Ross Printing
Tweaking a menu

This piece came to us "artwork ready" with a couple of issues—the iced tea was "over the edge of the table" and since this is a kid's menu, we didn't want it to end up on the floor! And gee whiz, there was an extra "gee" in orange.
(H)As You Wish

Artwork was sent to us and our ever-scanning eye (as artfully depicted on our home page) found a missing "h". There was an "as" where it should have been "has".
It appens! Oops, "happens"! See? .... appens to the best of us.
After all, spellcheck won't tell you it's the wrong word if it's still a word!
And when a couple gets married, they want every "t" crossed, "i" dotted, "h" in its proper place, and proofreading perfected.
*ROI = Return on Investment